Sunday, December 12, 2010

Rub a dub dub, baby in the... sink?

Morgan, with no guilt trip from me at all, decided to give Robyn her bath this evening. He's too big to get in the tub with her and our tub's too tall to lean over for an extended period of time, so I suggested he use the kitchen sink.

It was really sweet to watch, Morgan was singing washing-up songs and playing little games, Robyn was giggling and actually cooperating quite well.


  1. Sooooo cute! and look at those teeth!!! :)

  2. they're both so cute---and I didn't mean the teeth. they are more dangerous than cute, at least right now.

  3. hahahahaha i bet!! keep your fingers away from those puppies next time grams-lorna!!! hehehehe :)

  4. The other guy in your life - oops!December 19, 2010 at 1:20 PM

    I'd pay for a sound track to the washing up songs! Might even go viral on the web.
